General Knowledge

What’s addressed in this section:

How can I control the weeds in my lawn?
What causes winter die out on a plant?
Insect Control!
What do Lace Bugs do to azaleas?
And how do I treat the plants?
Is there a safe way to kill aphids in the garden?



Fruit, Nut, and Berry Plants

What’s addressed in this section:

Do all fruit trees need a pair to produce fruit?
Will spraying  blossoms before the fruit forms prevent worms? 
Can you relocate fruit trees? When and how?
How is pruning fruit trees different from regular trees? 
Do you need two pecan trees in order to get pecans on your tree?



 What’s addressed in this section:

How deep should mulch be applied?

When should you put mulch down?




What’s addressed in this section:

When should you prune spring flowering shrubs and trees such as azaleas, rhododendrons, and lilac?
When should you prune summer flowering shrubs and trees such as spirea, butterfly bush, and crape myrtle?
When do you prune roses in Oklahoma?
When should you cut back ornamental grasses?
When is the best time to fertilize trees & shrubs?


Trees and Shrubs

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What’s addressed in this section:

When is the best time to plant trees and shrubs?
Should trees be staked when they are planted?
Do newly planted trees need to be mulched?
What is the best time of year to plant trees in Oklahoma?
Which shrubs do best in the shade?



watering-791312_960_720What’s addressed in this section:

Should the wire basket be removed from a Balled & Burlap (B&B) tree?
Should trees and shrubs be watered after planted?
How often do I water container plants?
Where can I get tips for watering and taking care of my lawn?
How much water should I give my flowers?

Question? Contact us (click here)!

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